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Greeting Address

Thank you for visiting KAP homepage.

The Korean Academy of Periodontology (KAP), founded in 1960, celebrates its 65th anniversary this year. Over the past decades, thanks to the dedication and support of many, our academy has achieved remarkable growth in both scale and quality. With over 1,000 specialists among its approximately 2,600 members, KAP has become a pivotal organization within the dentistry field in Korea.

Our official journal, the ¡®Journal of Periodontal and Implant Science (JPIS)¡¯, is one of the few SCIE-indexed journals in Korea's dental field, exemplifying our commitment to academic excellence and growing international recognition.
KAP is also a leader in public outreach initiatives. As the first dental organization in Korea to launch a public awareness campaign, we established a special day called ¡°Gum Day¡± to emphasize the importance of periodontal health. Around this day, we actively promote the significance of gum health to the public. Through these efforts, many people now understand the value of preventing gum disease before it occurs and are taking proactive steps by seeking regular checkups and treatment.

As the President of the KAP for two years, I am committed to three main objectives. First, I will focus on promoting the rights and benefits of KAP members, ensuring that they feel proud of their membership in KAP and experience tangible value and fulfillment in their professional work as dentists. Second, I will strive to elevate JPIS to even greater international recognition, securing its place among the world¡¯s leading periodontal journals. I will strengthen the core mission of academic activities and ensure that this enhances the quality and substance of our journal. Lastly, I will work to maximize the capabilities of KAP board members, providing them with the support they need to contribute fully to the academy¡¯s progress. This will not only lead to the growth of KAP but also enhance member benefits and ultimately improve oral health for the public.

The active participation of our members is crucial for the continued growth of our academy. We kindly ask for your engagement and valuable feedback to help us advance further, and we will strive to ensure that the academy's progress translates into meaningful benefits for each individual member.
Thank you.

Yang-Jo Seol, DDS, PhD
President, the Korean Academy of Periodontology